Farm/Producer: Gao Yan Village Group
Origin: Pishi Village Committee, Sudian Lisu Ethnic Township, Yingjiang County, Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan, PRC
Varietal: Ethiopian Landrace
Process: Washed
Harvest: 2024
Sourced from: Direct from farm, through Bill at Hydrangea Coffee Roasters
种植地位于德宏州盈江县苏典傈僳族乡劈石村委会高岩村民小组,地处北纬25.1度,东经97.85度,海拔1600-1650米,年平均气温13,3℃,最高气温30℃,最低温度零下4℃,年日照1500—1800小时,年降水量3500毫米。 鲜果种植地周围分布着大小7-8座休眠火山而得名,相传雨季来临时在火山口能够集起深绿色水潭,火山口旁长满苍天大树,但飘落的树叶从来都不会在水潭中间停留,会被一种神奇的力量把树叶推向潭边,确保潭面干净圣明,当地村民视它为“神龙”休憩的地方,敬而远之,无意中对火山口周边的生态环境的到良好保护。直到新中国成立后,被国家地址队对水潭进行了特殊处理(把一根长2米左右的铜针钉入火山口),从此水潭消失不见…… 火山灰土蕴含着丰富的微量元素及矿物质,对咖啡种植非常有利,形成了“高纬度、高海拔,土壤肥,雨量足,温差大,周期长”的原生态优势 。 该鲜果于2017年引种自埃塞俄比亚耶加雪菲原生种,经德宏热作所和德宏师专的专家老师们共同努力,通过基因复配技术,圈植在独立地。经过历年的精心培育管理,2024产季,该地块终于收获了近30kg的埃塞原生种的咖啡生豆。是云南咖啡继波旁、铁毕卡、瑰夏之后又一里程碑式的进步!
English Translation:
The plantation is located in the Gaoyan Village Group, Pishi Village Committee, Sudian Lisu Ethnic Township, Yingjiang County, Dehong Prefecture. It lies at 25.1 degrees north latitude and 97.85 degrees east longitude, with an altitude of 1,600–1,650 meters. The average annual temperature is 13.3°C, with a maximum temperature of 30°C and a minimum temperature of -4°C. The annual sunshine duration is 1,500–1,800 hours, and the annual precipitation is 3,500 mm.
The plantation is surrounded by 7–8 dormant volcanoes, from which it derives its name. Legend has it that during the rainy season, deep green pools form in the volcanic craters. Towering trees grow around the craters, but the fallen leaves never stay in the center of the pools. Instead, a mysterious force pushes the leaves to the edges, keeping the water surface clean and sacred. Local villagers regard this place as a resting spot for a “divine dragon” and keep their distance, unintentionally preserving the ecological environment around the craters. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, a national geological team performed a special treatment on the pool (driving a 2-meter-long copper needle into the crater), and the pool disappeared thereafter…
The volcanic ash soil is rich in trace elements and minerals, making it highly suitable for coffee cultivation. This creates an original ecological advantage characterized by “high latitude, high altitude, fertile soil, abundant rainfall, significant temperature differences, and long growth cycles.”
The coffee variety was introduced in 2017 from the native Ethiopian Yirgacheffe species. Through the joint efforts of experts from the Dehong Tropical Crops Research Institute and Dehong Teachers’ College, the variety was genetically reconfigured and cultivated in an isolated area. After years of meticulous cultivation and management, the 2024 harvest season yielded nearly 30 kg of green coffee beans from this Ethiopian native species. This marks another milestone for Yunnan coffee, following the success of Bourbon, Typica, and Geisha varieties!